Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 4, Giants and the Sun!

Day 4,
I almost didn't do the blog tonight because I'm exhausted and have yet another early morning tomorrow, but then I realized we're relocating tomorrow to a mountain town and I am not sure what the status will be on our internet access so I wanted to tell you not to fear if the posts are few and far between, your children/youth group is not dead!

Today was a day sans work, which was nice, but also a day full of riding in the van. We rose early, made burritos, and headed to the van for a 2-3 hour the beach! We were alone at the beach, but it was amazing and the water wasn't too cold. A few of us were a little freaked out to hear that the large fish jumping out of the water near us were doing so to avoid an even bigger fish (or shark! But probably not) trying to eat them! After hours of swimming, floating, discreetly peeing in the water, and laying in the sun we had our final meal from Tita, who has done an AMAZING job of providing us with food. After some more frolicking we decided it was time to head for the place we would be shopping. A short ride later we were in a place full of stores selling mostly the same things, but interesting things nonetheless. Some people purchased shiny things from the silver vendors, while others decided their money was better spent on the hilarious (in my opinion) shirts...not mentioning names! One hour later we all loaded back into the van to visit the Valley of the Giants, which, for those of you that don't know, is a valley full of giant cactuses, bigger than trees. OPINION ALERT: It was really just cactuses...but on a bigger scale, an interesting sight but not a dream destination. Anyhoo, the sun and opening our wallets so much had made us all exhausted so we packed it in and spent another 2-3 hours on the road. On our arrival people dumped their things, retiring to the showers and polishing off a little more food. We made the power go out with all of our electronics plugged in, so that was our adventure for the night, but it was all ok in the end.

So tomorrow we are moving and in case I don't have access to the blog I'll give you a little taste of what we will be up to. As I understand it in the morning we will be helping with a tire recycling project, and in the afternoon we get a tour of the Tecate Brewery! Tecate is the popular brand of beer here in Mexico and the town we are going to is the headquarters I believe (I want to say the name of the town is Tecate, but that may be a total lie). If you don't hear from me for awhile then you know why!

Stay Classy Iowa City!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I hope you guys are having half as much fun as I am reading about it.
