Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 3, Immigration and...something that ryhmes with it.

Day 3,
I'm going to go ahead and make this a fairly short post because I have to wake up really early, and I can't remember everything that happened (I fell asleep after all the hard digging work).

ABOVE ARE THE LINKS FOR PHOTOS!! Be excited, you get to see our beautiful faces!
Links and pictures provided by our technical genius Steve Ekholm.

So we stop home and everyone is glad to rid themselves of their long work pants and the men contentedly lay in bed blogging and being pantless in general (or maybe just me, whichever). Soon we were forced to return to our hot jeans and headed out for a center for helping immigrants. We entered the center, which is located literally two feet away from the border fence, and sat down...and I fell asleep. When I wake up we are talking about the troubles that immigrants go through when being deported. While the speech was informative I'm going to skip that part and go straight to one of the most eye opening experiences of the trip. A van pulled up on the other side of the fence and we watched as four men were brought out of the van and deported! They then entered the center, where they were given soup and offered medical care. We talked to them and listened to their heartbreaking stories. At the farthest side of the men was an extremely large man, muscular and slightly intimidating, but he had the saddest story of all of them. He had worked in the USA for 18 years, was a journeyman making 25 dollars an hour, and had three children. To say the least each story was unique and heartbreaking in its own sense.
After this activity, which was interesting but INCREDIBLY long, we headed to a migrant home for people trying to get back to their hometowns that needed a place to stay. We had only a quick tour since it was dinner time and we were holding up the people at the home.
Between the migrant aid center and migrant home we stopped at a Mexican bakery, which smelled like a little piece of heaven (or sugar and flour). Everyone loaded up on some amazing baked goods and then we headed to the migrant home, then our home. Anna, Danielle, Graham, and Michael, but mostly Anna, did work on an entire bag of assorted pastries once back at the house...which they regretted later of course! While the rest of the group showered and had fun Danielle and Michael were cooking and sweating over a hot stove (but not sweating on it, dont worry!), Sarah was grating cheese, and of course Tita was busy putting the meal together.
After that we chilled, sorry for the lack of detail but I'm about to fall asleep and I'm sure Ron doesn't want drool on his keyboard!

A few shout outs:
Rai wished for me to mention that she beat Graham once in the slap game, congrats Rai!

Shout out to Mitch, mi amigo, because he's proof that someone is reading this that isn't either on the trip or my mother! Also, he made me realize that the weirdest part of the little girls 'Sexed-up' t-shirt from day 2, is WHO MAKES THOSE SHIRTS IN CHILDREN'S SIZES??

Stay Classy Iowa City!

EDIT: The links for the pictures happen to not be working, I'll talk to Steve and possibly fix them in the morning! Be patient!

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