Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 1, Too Much Travel!

Hola amigos!
So I considered writing this blog in spanish but decided against it because you wouldn't understand and my spanish is subpar.

Day 1,
We all meet up at the airport, excited to begin our adventure to Mexico. 4 hours of flight and almost 3 hours of driving later the magic was gone. On our flight to Dallas we were blessed with an incredibly inadequate plane. While everyone else sat semi-comfortably Michael and Graham, the tall ones, worked the cricks out of their necks and cried uncontrollably. Unfortunately I fell asleep for the parts in between so I am not able to blog about all of the shenanigans that Danielle got into. Glad to be off the tiny plane we decided to fuel up, splitting up (with buddies of course!) to find the food we wanted. This particular hunter-and-gatherer ended his search at McDonald's, I include this solely to inform you that McDonald's is way too expensive in Dallas. After our quick feast we boarded the plane and Anna, in a fit of terrible judgement, traded seats so she could sit next to Michael and Graham. While Rai flirted with the cute guy next to her Danielle fell soundly asleep and Anna started a marker war she couldn't finish. The flight was peaceful until halfway through somebody, not Michael, woke Danielle with a gentle and loving pen to the ear. Arrival in San Diego was fairly uneventful, meeting Ron and Jared at the baggage claim and also our Los Ninos amigos David, Chloe, and Delia. Because of complications we had to wait for a few hours for Jared's bags to come from San Jose so we took a trip to Chicano Park. The story behind Chicano Park is very interesting, but I'd rather not type it so you can find it here: Needless to say the murals were beautiful and intriguing. We finished our day by driving to the house we are staying in through Wednesday, which is located in a typical Mexican neighborhood. We met Alonzo and Tita, who have been working with Los Ninos for many years (Los Ninos is the organization we're here with - With our heads exploding with Spanish, and Rai's mouth exploding with ridiculous sentences including fuego, tostada, and pantalones, we headed to bed, the men immediately claiming the bedroom that is completely new and has seperate air conditioning :)

Stay Classy Iowa City!

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