Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 2.5, Irrigation and Irritation

Day 2.5,
I awoke this morning to a most unpleasant sound. The sound of Jared dripping drool all over the bunk above me. Upon investigation I found it wasn't Jared making the dripping noises, but the ceiling (sorry Jared)! We are lucky enough to be here on one of the very few days it rains every year. We are also lucky enough to have about three leaks in our ceiling, fortunately they were minor leaks. With the water crisis averted with buckets and towels I was forced to wake up for a quick breakfast of Choco Krispies. While we all chowed down and prepared for the day Michael, Graham, Marisa, and Sally all grueled over the dishes. The truck loaded with shovels, water, and a wheelbarrow, we headed to an elementary school where we were to begin our first task.
This school is part of the Green Area Project with Los Ninos, a project thats goal is to provide grassy areas for the children to play in. Mexicali is the allergy capital of Mexico because there is dust everywhere, and the kids have to play in it. We unloaded our gear, talked to the people at the school, and began to dig a trench for an irrigation system. Our many hands made very light work and we finished within and hour and a half. Some of us helped Gabrielle glue the PVC system together while most of our group got into a game of soccer with the kindergarteners and their parents. Yet again America failed to be the powerhouse it's made out to be and we fell to the knee-high soccer players and their mothers. I must say that Danielle did an outstanding job playing soccer! After the game we watched most of the women get their diplomas from the nutrition program class and received incredibly adorable drawings and hugs from all of the little kids! We then taught them a song that went like this:

Mi cuerpo, mi cuerpo
hace musica (x2)
Mis manos hacen (clap clap clap)
Mis pies hacen (stomp stomp stomp)
Mi boca hace La La La,
Mi cuerpo hace Cha Cha Cha!

They liked our song and sang along, then got us to play a game called Puppy Police. It was a group version of tag...kind of. Then it was time for lunch and the women made us an assortment of foods that were all very tasty! Also we had lime and parsley juice, and some juice with beets in it. After we had stuffed ourselves we sat on the patio while Michael went and played soccer with his new amigo Esteban! We were rounded up and headed home a few minutes later.
We still have yet another half of a day to go, so I'll be sure to follow this up with the full Day 3!

Stay Classy Iowa City!

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